Match Girl

Made with Unity

(Gameplay Video)

Match Girl is an educational game set in London during the industrial revolution. The player assumes the role of a young girl selling matches on the street to support her family. The idea was to show the variety of elements that made life during the industrial revolution so difficult.

The core mechanic is shouting “matches”. The player could shout louder to reach more people, but that would damage the character’s voice and may make her sick the next day. Also, the NPCs would begin to respond negatively if shouted at too many times. The player had to keep from freezing or starving to death, while selling enough matches to keep their family alive.

The game also includes side stories told through interactions with NPCs and based on real-life events.

Platform: PC

Duration: 4 months

Team Size: 6

Roles: Game Designer, Programmer, Composer, Producer